Getting a job you love
As adults, often a big portion of our waking time is spent at work. It is no surprise hence that our job has such a big influence on our wellbeing. Luckily there is a lot we can do to help:
- Discover what you love
- Meditate to get a job you love
- Laugh more 🙂
1. Discover what you love
Career coaches will tell you that “if you have a job you love, you’ll never work a day in your life”. They will also tell you that most people don’t really know what work they love or don’t have the confidence to go after their dream job. The great news is that both of these things are in our control so we can work to improve them.
Practical tips to help are:
- pay attention to which activities give you bliss when you do them,
- ask people close to you what they think you’d love and be good at,
- break a big dream into babysteps and start with something to do tomorrow.
By starting small, trying different things and seeing how you feel, you’ll be able to move closer to knowing what you should do and to having the courage to go after it.
2. Meditate to get a job you love
- connect with our deepest self and strengthen our intuition
- grow our self-confidence and reduce fear and worries
- find happiness within and be more successful so we can love whatever job we have more
Watch this video with highly successful people like Ray Dalio on how TM helped them in their career.

3. Laugh more to reduce stress
Some successful TM practitioners

What people are saying*

I have done so many meditation courses, but there was always something that felt not right; I missed something. I did not feel satisfied. When I learned TM, it felt just like coming home to me. Finally I have found it.

This technique is truly one of a kind.
I am meditating now for almost 30 years and my general health is excellent, especially when compared to my peers. Not only did it make my creativity grow remarkably, but also my ability to deal with a team of employees and actors in an inspiring and stimulating way.
I am still amazed on a daily basis to see how such a simple, natural technique can generate so many positive effects. And it is also nice to do.
Learn Transcendental Meditation in Tauranga
5b Hall Road, Matua, Tauranga Click here for map
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Tauranga TM Intros
5b Hall Road, Matua, Tauranga