Tauranga Mon, 10. Mar 2025 at 7:00 PM and Mon, 17. Mar 2025 at 7:00 PM

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How do I learn Transcendental Meditation?

Anyone can learn Transcendental Meditation. It is easy and enjoyable to practice and gives immediate results.

Transcendental Meditation is taught according to ancient methods that naturally allow the mind to experience the most fulfilling state in its own true nature. There is no need for a long period of practice, because the process is natural and intuitive. This means that anyone can learn TM, regardless of cultural, religious or educational background, and the results are usually noticed immediately. Twenty minutes twice a day is enough to produce the desired effects.

Personal guidance is necessary.

Every person is unique, and therefore the experience of meditation is different for every individual. This is why the personal guidance of a trained Transcendental Meditation teacher is necessary. When meditation is taught in a correct, personalised way, the process develops naturally and effortlessly, and only then can the greatest effects be obtained.

Once you have learned this perfectly natural technique, you can practice it on your own, but whenever any additional guidance is needed, it is available free of charge from any TM center in the world. The need for further guidance differs from person to person, but the important point is that the guidance is always available.

TM Course Phase 1: Learning the technique

Learning Transcendental Meditation happens in 7 steps, spread over 5 sessions of about 1.5 hours over 5 days. A course review approximately 10 days later follows this.

1. Introduction seminar: An overview of the long-term effects of TM practice. All the information you need to decide whether you want to learn the TM technique, including question and answer session. (Free/without obligation 1.5 hours)

2. Preparatory lecture: More details about the exact mechanics of the Transcendental Meditation technique in preparation for learning (30 min). Usually the preparatory lecture is given on the same day as the introduction seminar.

3. Personal interview: Individual meeting with your TM teacher to arrange dates of 4 sessions TM course, and the opportunity to discuss private questions (15 min).

4. Personal instruction: The actual instruction in the Transcendental Meditation technique. (1.5 hours)

5-7. Three follow-up sessions: Verification of the correct practice of the TM technique and acquiring more knowledge, based on the growing experiences of meditation. (1.5 hours per session, on 3 consecutive days after personal instruction)

Course Review: On the basis of practicing TM for one week this class reviews your experience.

TM Course Phase 2: Follow-up

The follow-up programme is highly-recommended. Life-long follow-up, whenever necessary, is included in the course fee.

First 5 weeks: Personal and group meetings with the teacher.

Following 5 months: Monthly follow-up meetings and personal meetings (if necessary) are recommended to verify the correctness of the practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique and to gain more knowledge about its effects.

Lifelong right to follow-up: TM students can, for the rest of their lives, attend the monthly group meetings or ask any TM teacher in the world to verify the correctness of the practice. This service is free of charge in any one of our TM centers.

TM Course Fee

The personal guidance and follow-up that is required for correct practice of the TM technique has a certain cost, and as long as our health insurance funds are not reimbursing the TM course fee, this cost has to be paid by TM course participants.

Transcendental Meditation is a highly personalised course. In New Zealand, the Transcendental Meditation technique is taught by professional teachers of a non-profit organisation. We have special rates for families, couples and students and an income-tiered course fee structure so that it is more accessible to those on lower incomes.

Income-Based Course Fee Structure:

Our goal is to make the TM technique available to everyone. Course fees vary depending on the level of income. For details and more information, please click here to go to our payment page or contact your local TM teacher.

To register for a free introductory seminar or ask for more information, please click here.

Opportunities to reduce costs

It is up to the government to make this accessible to everyone, just as they do with all other health care.

The experience of transcending is a completely natural experience and it is everyone’s birth right to have this experience. The Transcendental Meditation teachers have therefore been working for over 50 years to make Transcendental Meditation accessible for as many people as possible, often by volunteering their time and teaching the technique far below their own costs. But financial obligations require that we charge a tuition to ensure the TM technique can be taught correctly with a thorough follow-up, so that the correct practice can be ensured.

It should be the responsibility of the government and the health insurance funds to make this technique accessible to everyone. In many countries, this is already the case. You can help us with this. Until then, there are some things we can do ourselves to make the TM course accessible for everyone.

For example, if you have your own company, be sure to ask for an invoice for your TM course. If you are employed then why not ask your employer if they will pay for the TM course fee? After all, they can declare the invoice as an expense, which makes their effective cost far lower. Every progressive employer will be open to methods that can increase the productivity in the company; there is sufficient evidence that TM does exactly this.

Where can I follow the TM course?

To find the nearest Transcendental Meditation center, and to contact your local Transcendental Meditation teacher for a free, no-obligation introduction seminar on the TM technique, go to Where can I learn Transcendental Meditation?

“I am already practicing TM for 37 years, and I still enjoy it every day. It has given me so much energy that I could build a successful career in sales, and, on top of that, I have built two houses and six apartments, all by myself, in my spare time. If someone would offer me 10.000 Euro to stop with TM, I would not consider it, not even for a second.”
Johan Claes, Senior Account Manager of an international software company.

Learn Transcendental Meditation in Tauranga

5b Hall Road, Matua, Tauranga Click here for map


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Mon, 10. Mar 2025, 7:00 PM on Zoom
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Mon, 17. Mar 2025, 7:00 PM on Zoom
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Wed, 26. Mar 2025, 7:00 PM on Zoom
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Tauranga TM Intros

5b Hall Road, Matua, Tauranga