TM can help to Decrease Anxiety

Psychiatrist Dr. Nick Argyle, MRCPsych FRANZCP Former Clinical Director for Mental Health, Auckland District Health Board and author of book “From Anxiety to Peace”

Psychiatrist Dr. Norman Rosenthal, U.S. National Institutes of Mental Health

GP Dr. David Lovell-Smith, MBChB, Christchurch GP
If you prefer, you can also get some more information first :
– to watch medical doctors, psychiatrists and others share their thoughts on how TM can help in different areas of life, click here
– to watch a video about more and more governments around the world that are starting to officially support TM, eg by introducing it into the education system, click here
Some successful TM practitioners

What people are saying*

I have done so many meditation courses, but there was always something that felt not right; I missed something. I did not feel satisfied. When I learned TM, it felt just like coming home to me. Finally I have found it.

This technique is truly one of a kind.
I am meditating now for almost 30 years and my general health is excellent, especially when compared to my peers. Not only did it make my creativity grow remarkably, but also my ability to deal with a team of employees and actors in an inspiring and stimulating way.
I am still amazed on a daily basis to see how such a simple, natural technique can generate so many positive effects. And it is also nice to do.
Learn Transcendental Meditation in Tauranga
5b Hall Road, Matua, Tauranga Click here for map
The Lectures are free. Please register below.
Tauranga TM Intros
5b Hall Road, Matua, Tauranga