There are so many meditation techniques that promise dramatic improvements, how is TM different?
Dozens of meditation techniques claim to have the same effects as TM, but neither experience nor research could ever confirm this.
The difference between Transcendental Meditation and other meditation techniques is in the word “transcendental”, a technique that leads to the experience of transcending.
How reliable is the research around TM?
The story of TM is not just one of extraordinary effects, but also a story of the extraordinary high quality of research that confirms these effects.
Today anyone can do research and prove what they want to prove. In the scientific community, however, there are 4 factors that define the reliability of scientific research.Transcendental Meditation research generally gets very high scores on all 4 factors.
If this technique really works so well, and if you really want to create a better world, then why don’t you give it away for free?
The answer is very simple: “because then it wouldn’t work”.
If it was possible to teach this technique through books or through the internet, the technique would never have gotten lost, because the books have been there for thousands of years.
Should I adjust my lifestyle in order to learn Transcendental Meditation?
No, absolutely not.
Transcendental Meditation is a do-it-yourself technique, and requires absolutely no changes in lifestyle, religion or of any other nature.
Do the results not depend on successful practice? What if I am not able to meditate successfully?
Of course results depend on the successful practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique. But in this case “successful” in most cases simply means “frequent”.
In terms of successful meditation the rule for Transcendental Meditation is simple: anyone who can think a thought, can practice TM, because the Transcendental Meditation process is as natural as the thought process.
Some successful TM practitioners

What people are saying*

I have done so many meditation courses, but there was always something that felt not right; I missed something. I did not feel satisfied. When I learned TM, it felt just like coming home to me. Finally I have found it.

This technique is truly one of a kind.
I am meditating now for almost 30 years and my general health is excellent, especially when compared to my peers. Not only did it make my creativity grow remarkably, but also my ability to deal with a team of employees and actors in an inspiring and stimulating way.
I am still amazed on a daily basis to see how such a simple, natural technique can generate so many positive effects. And it is also nice to do.